
We’re the ones you see all around you, earbuds in, heads down, silent

The ones you stay away from because you’re not quite sure what’s going through our heads

The ones who don’t seem to belong anywhere, sometimes at the edge of a group but nearly always alone

The ones who feel as though no one cares, and we’re probably right

Because why should you care

We’re not a part of your clique

You probably don’t even know our names, never mind that we’re in the same English class

The ones who’ve accepted it, we know that we don’t fit in

The ones who still try to conform to society’s norms, they’ll learn soon enough

We will always be the sharp edge, the piece of the puzzle sticking out, that one thing that you know is wrong but you can’t quite figure out what it is

We are the misfits.



~the short awkward one

(so this is isn’t going to happen a ton, I’m not much of a writer, but I hope that if you end up reading this you can relate)

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